Christ Church in Orton Goldhay


Tel: 01733 39 44 11

Latest Update - September 2024









Hello everyone!


Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise Him, all creatures here below,

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


As we have waved Alexandra off on the next step of her journey with God, and as we look forward to joining with her for her licensing on the 12th September, we recognise too, the blessing that we are to each other. Alexandra knows that she goes with our blessing, but she also leaves her blessing with us. And within all of this and all of our relationships, we are all held within the blessing and love of our amazing God. Whatever is happening, and however you are feeling, I pray that you would all know that you are blessed and loved by God this month.



Sunday 8th September

Christ Church

10.00am – Morning Worship


St Andrew’s

10.30am – Morning Worship


St Michael’s

5.00pm – Evening Prayer


Coffee Morning at St Andrew’s

Our next Coffee Morning at St Andrew’s takes place on Wednesday 11th September from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Do come along for lovely cakes, refreshments and for a chat.


PCC at St Michael’s

The next PCC Meeting for St Michael’s is on Thursday 12th September at 10.30am at John and Helen’s, 37 The Rookery. Please let a PCC member know if there is anything you would like discussed.


Alexandra’s Licensing Service in Woodford Bridge

Alexandra will be licensed to her new parish and diocesan role at St Paul’s, Woodford Bridge on Thursday 12th September at 7.30pm. A small coach has been arranged based on the names we currently have, and allowing for some extras. Names will be collected at the Sunday services, or please let me know if you would like to take a space.


Coffee Connect at Christ Church

Coffee Connect meets on Friday 13th September from 2.00 to 4.00pm at Christ Church. Do come along to meet other people for a chat and enjoy homemade cakes and biscuits.


Prayer Breakfast at Christ Church

The next Prayer Breakfast meets on Saturday 14th September from 8.15am for prayer followed by breakfast. Those who would like to help with church cleaning will be meeting from 8.15am. Praying from 9.00am followed by breakfast. All welcome.


Sunday 15th September

St Michael’s

9.00am – Morning Prayer


Christ Church

10.00am – Morning Worship


St Andrew’s

10.30am – Holy Communion


Church Council at Christ Church

Church Council meets next on Wednesday 18th September at 7.00pm in Christ Church. Please let Church Council members know if there is anything you would like discussed.


PCC at St Andrew’s

The next PCC Meeting for St Andrew’s is on Thursday 19th September at 7.30pm in the church. Please let a PCC member know if there is anything you would like discussed.


Sunday 22nd September

Christ Church

10.00am – Holy Communion

6.30pm – Healing Communion


St Andrew’s

10.30am – Morning Worship


St Michael’s

6.00pm – Holy Communion




Coffee Connect at Christ Church

Coffee Connect meets on Friday 27th September from 2.00 to 4.00pm at Christ Church. Do come along to meet other people for a chat and enjoy homemade cakes and biscuits.


Sunday 29th September

Christ Church

10.00am – Harvest Morning Worship


St Andrew’s

10.30am – Café Church at the Colonel Dane Memorial Hall


St Michael’s

6.00pm – Harvest Festival followed by refreshments


Coffee Morning at St Michael’s

Our final (for this year) Summer Coffee Morning at St Michael’s takes place on Thursday 3rd October from 10.30am to midday. Do come along for lovely cakes, refreshments, books, a tombola, a raffle and a chat. Money raised goes to Peterborough Women’s Aid.



Sunday 6th October 2024

St Michael’s

9.00am – Holy Communion


Christ Church

10.00am – Holy Communion


St Andrew’s

10.30am – Family Service


Do pray that we and our world would know God’s hope, joy and peace today and always.   

Yours in Christ.  Sarah                   01733 394411     



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